Nan By Laws

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Original Bylaws: July 24, 1993 //  Revised February 2, 2008


The name of this organization shall be THE NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION OF NORMAL, hereinafter referred to as the Association.

ARTICLE II: Purposes

The purposes of the Association shall be:

A. To promote, improve, and maintain a high quality of life in residential districts of Normal. 
B. To provide a forum in which any resident of Normal may express his/her concerns about matters of public interest.
C. To promote cooperation, harmony, and equality among all residents of Normal.
D. To serve as an umbrella organization of neighborhood associations, neighborhood watch groups, and any interested resident in the town of Normal.
E. To facilitate communication between the residents of Normal and the Town of Normal, Illinois State University, other educational institutions, and other organizations in Normal and McLean County.

ARTICLE III: Membership


Membership shall be open to any and all residents of Normal, including college students.


There shall be two classes of memberships: (1) group members and (2) members at large.
Group membership is open to any local neighborhood association upon payment of the annual group dues. The dues are:

A. Group membership: $20.00 annually.
B. Individual membership: $5.00 annually.

Dues are for the calendar year, effective January 1,each year.

For purposes of membership, “individual” is defined to mean either (a) any person, or (b) the adults, collectively, who compose a single family in a common residence.

All persons who are members of a local neighborhood association automatically become members of the Association when their association becomes a group member.

Membership at large is open to any resident of Normal who does not belong to a member neighborhood association, upon payment of annual individual dues.


All individual members shall have an equal voice and vote in the Association.

ARTICLE IV: Officers and Elections


The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. Each officer shall be elected to a two-year term of office, the terms to coincide with calendar years.


An election shall take place at the last quarterly meeting of the year at the end of each two-year office term.


Candidates for the offices shall be nominated by a nominations committee appointed by the President and/or by members from the floor.


Each individual member of the Association may cast one vote for a candidate for each office. In accordance with the definition of “individual member,” the members of a single family shall have only one vote between them.


Newly elected officers will assume their duties on the January 1st following the election.


If the office of President should become vacated for any reason before the end of an incumbent’s two-year term, the Vice President will immediately become Acting President and will assume all the duties of the President until the next quarterly meeting of the Association. At the next regular meeting of the Association thereafter, a President shall be elected to serve the balance of the two-year term of the vacated office.

If the office of Vice-President should become vacated for any reason before the end of an incumbent’s two-year term, at the next regular meeting of the Association thereafter, a Vice-President shall be elected to serve the balance of the two-year term of the vacated office.

If the office of Secretary-Treasurer should become vacated for any reason before the end of an incumbent’s two-year term, at the next regular meeting of the Association thereafter, a Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected to serve the balance of the two-year term of the vacated office.

ARTICLE V: Duties of Officers


It shall be the duty of the President:

A) to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee;

B) to appoint all standing committees, ad hoc committees, task forces, and the like; and

C) to act as spokesperson for the Association in expressing the Association’s consensus opinions to Town officials, representatives of the mass media, and the public.


It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assume the duties of the President regarding all matters, including presiding at meetings, when the President is absent or unable to carry out her/his duties.


It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer:

A) to maintain the Association’s records, including membership lists, copies of official

correspondence, and other important documents; 

B) to keep the Association’s funds and liquid assets in a safe place;

C) keep up-to-date records of all disbursements and revenues of the Association, including current balances in bank accounts, petty cash accounts, and other repositories of Association funds; and

D) take minutes at meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VI: Executive Committee


There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer, and one representative from each neighborhood association active in the Association.


The Executive Committee will be convened by the President in special sessions to deal with routine matters and to take action regarding matters which need prompt attention, and which do not require a vote by the membership.


Four or more members of the Executive Committee present at a session shall constitute a quorum.


Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be by a majority of the Committee members present at a meeting. Proxy votes of Committee members not present at an Executive Committee meeting will be counted as though the absent member were present. To be valid, a proxy vote must be tendered in writing or communicated orally to the President.



The members of the Association shall meet quarterly, on the first Saturday of February, May, August, and November of each year. If a meeting should conflict with a holiday, or if there are other justifiable reasons, the date of a meeting may be changed; but the meetings should be held as close as possible to their regular quarterly times.


A notice of each meeting will be sent by mail and/or electronic communication by the Secretary-Treasurer to each member of the Association at least a week in advance of a meeting.


A quorum shall consist of those members present at a meeting.


All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

ARTICLE VIII: Committees


The President may appoint members to committees of the Association as needed.

ARTICLE IX: Amendments and Revisions to the Bylaws


To be considered for action, amendments and revisions to these bylaws must be proposed by one of the following means:

a) by a petition signed by at least ten members; or

b) by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the full Executive Committee.


The adoption of a proposed amendment to these bylaws shall require either:

a) at least a two-thirds majority of the votes returned from ballots mailed to all members; or

b) at least a two-thirds majority of those members present at a regular meeting of the Association, provided that at least 10 members vote in favor of an amendment or revision.

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