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*************** 2014 *******************
November 2014 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/11/2014
February 2014 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 2/8/2014
*************** 2013 *******************
February 2013 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 2/2/2013
*************** 2012 *******************
November 2012 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/3/2012
May 2012 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 5/5/2012
February 2012 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 2/4/2012
*************** 2011 *******************
November 2011 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/5/2011
August 2011 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 08/6/2011
May 2011 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 5/7/2011
February 2011 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 2/5/2011
*************** 2010 *******************
November 2010 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/13/2010
August 2010 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 08/7/2010
May 2010 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 5/8/2010
February 2010 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 2/6/2010
**************** 2009 *******************
November 2009 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/7/2009
May 2009 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 5/2/2009
February 2009 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 2/7/2009
**************** 2008 *******************
November 2008 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/1/2008
August 2008 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 08/2/2008
May 2008 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 05/3/2008
February 2008 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 2/2/2008
**************** 2007 *******************
November 2007 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/3/2007
August 2007 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 08/4/2007
May 2007 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 05/5/2007
January 2007 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 01/27/2007
**************** 2006 *******************
November 2006 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/04/2006
August 2006 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 08/05/2006
May 2006 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 05/06/2006
February 2006 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 02/11/2006
**************** 2005 *******************
November 2005 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 11/06/2005
August 2005 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 08/06/2005
May 2005 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 05/072005
February 2005 Quarterly NAN Meeting - 02/05/2005
Agenda and Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Community Center, Nov 11, 2014
The Nov 11, 2014 Quarterly meeting was called to order at 10:05 am by President Charles Alsberry with 25 members and guest present. Everyone present was reminded to sign attendance sheets. Reminder about Membership dues was made. Charles encouraged all to get more involved in the local community / Govt. Reminder to put concerns in the polling box.
Motion to accept Minutes and Treasures report was moved and seconded by: Jim Armstrong and Judy Elston.
Charles gave an update on Working with the Childers and Elders forest. One number project, Working partners LWV of Mclean
BUSINESS MEETING: Election of Officers: By hand count, 19 members were voting, and 19 voting ballots were handed out. The Nominating Committee, composed of members; David Brown, Tony Zayas, and Jim Armstrong, presented to the membership their slate of candidates selected and recommended to hold the Office(s) of President; Vice President; Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. David Brown presented their report, and the membership voted unanimously to accept the recommended slate of candidates; Motion moved and seconded: Mrs. Viola and Mrs. Judy Scott.
An immediate Motion was offered by Charles Alsberry, to open the floor up for individual Office write-In-candidates. Seeing none were presented, the motion moved and was seconded to close the formal nomination process and then to start the casting of voting ballots by NAN membership for the Office of President; Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Motion moved and seconded; Jim Armstrong and Cindy Brown.
Charles Alsberry selected members David Brown, Tony Zayas, and Jim Armstrong, to form and perform the duties of an ad hoc teller’s Election committee.
Officials elected to a two year term starting 2015 Jan 1st.
Tellers committee Collected Ballot Count: #17 votes for Charles Alsberry - President, #15 Votes for Larry Shapiro -Vice President, #13 Votes for Agnello D'mello. Secretary/Treasurer. Motion moved and seconded by; Harvey Thomas and Jim Armstrong / Proposed by Armstrong seconded Cindy Brown
Sally Heffernan: gave updates on Halloween trick or treating, ISU Gallery
opening, Insomnia Cookies, Normal Theatre will now start other entertainment
New constructions in uptown: Buffalo wild wings on Main Street, Jimmy Johns on Veterans and Walmart.
Updates on High Speed rail, Raab road to airport road project, Admin building on Beech were discussed.
On the matter of Growing of Medical Marijuana, three applications were received by Normal, Dispensary application were received in Normal too.
Upcoming events: Holiday open house, Santa stations, Parks Plan,
Sally informed the group the Senior Centre will move in the next few years. Talked about the Update to the uptown plan.
Plans for 150 centennial celebrations Sept 18th to Oct 16th. It was noted that Oct 2nd is historically considered the official date. Feel Free to call the Town office if interested in participating. Questions were raised regarding the road closures and Eugene Park.
Amanda Street – Community services offices – Normal PD gave updates on police activity. Shared there is normally a spike in burglary during the holiday seasons. Also informed those present about Telephone scams re Ameren, being seen in Bloomington. Updates on “One number project”. This is Amanda’s last NAN meeting as the PR officer for NPD. Officer Greg Leipold will be taking over from Amanda. Greg could not make this meeting but should be at the next one in Feb 2015.
Kathy Michael – County Clerk: Gave an update on the upcoming elections and offered recipes to those in the meeting.
Membership dues received from Larry, Charles, Judy Scott and Cindy Dieknoff
Next Meeting Feb 7th 2015 at the same location.
Respectfully Submitted, Agnello D’mello Secretary / Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Community Center, Feb 8th 2014
The meeting was called to order by President Charles Alsberry with 23 present. The Minutes and Treasurer’s report for Nov 2, 2013 were approved. Proposed by Roy Treadway, Seconded by Harvey Thomas
Neighborhood Reports:
Roy – Met on Feb 22nd and plan to meet in April to discuss trees. Had a Picnic last fall.
Sally Heffernan - Assistant to the City Manager:
Discussed town planning process and encouraged public participation. Discussed the "Next Door" web site. Town planning plans to use the website to reach out to the residents. Other events planned in the town include Train Day, St Patrick’s parade, Pooch parade, free music every Thursday, in underwood park or uptown circle, location to be finalized. Teen dance and ski trip are being organized by Parks and rec. Also touched upon the new buffalo Wild Wings project on Main Street.
Harriett Steinbach - Coordinator ISU Student & Community Outreach Unit
Talked about the Bring It Back to Normal project:
· April 5th.
. Project sponsored by ISU’s Dean of Students Office
· Students volunteer to help Normal citizens with projects such as raking, mulching, planting, painting, cleaning windows, etc.
. Expanded to Bloomington too.
. Form available online. Hard copies were distributed. Email Harriett if additional copies are required.
Dr. Gary Niehaus – Superintendent UNIT 5.
Discussed the background of how unit 5 makes weather related decisions. Gave update about district finances and taxes. Talked about the unit 5 school calendar planning and holidays. Discussed about community partnership using the promise council, "100 caring adults" program. Support the boys and girls clubs with transporting kids, Back to school party, County sales tax.
Next Meeting May 3rd 2014 at the same location.
Respectfully Submitted, Agnello D - Secretary-Treasurer
Minutes of the
Quarterly Meeting, Uptown Station, February 2, 2013
meeting was called to order by President Charles Alsberry at 10:00 A.M., with 18
present. The Minutes and Treasurer’s report for Nov 4, 2012 were
approved after”Tamburini” name was amended.
Hefferman- Assistant to City Mgr. – discussed the electrical aggregation
program. Homefield Energy will supply all who didn’t opt out. In answer to a
question she does not see us aggregating for natural gas as there is a challenge
with the way Nicor does its billing. The City budget approved for 5 yrs.
Starts Apr. 1. $96.5 million
Upcoming projects: Sally informed all that an overhead walkway will be
needed, that needs to be three stories high. This was disclosed by the Railroad
only after plans were drawn up for the Uptown Station. This is required as there
may be a possibility of two passenger trains unloading at the same time on both
tracks at the station. There is a forecast we will have 18 trains pass thru
Normal daily. It is decided we will have to keep the old station open as a
waiting only station.
Sally requested for any old historic pictures, especially of uptown to be could
be copied and displayed on the first floor of the station. Additionally
she spoke of the North town road rebuilding, Raab road construction work,
University Bridge work and Parks work.
O’Donnell- Area Agency on aging - more on the web at http://eciaaa.org/ Includes
16 counties & helps seniors know their options before they need to make
those decisions. Will want to work with NAN & the city to get info
out. Helps low-income seniors make a living, and with assistance to
improvements in neighborhoods. (PATH- dial 211 for assistance. PATH will
be a 21 county Human Resource. They also give training for caregivers).
The Agency has a home services program. Community Care in-home care.
The Older American’s Act ended in Dec. 2012. Needs to be renewed by
Congress. He wants to engage seniors/professionals to mentor kids &
contribute their skills to help others. Danville is lowest income &
educational area with high crime, Many from Chicago relocated there for
low-rent housing.
Harriett Steinbach—ISU off campus relations. Bring It Back to Normal /Project sponsored by ISU’s Dean of Students Office / Students volunteer to help Normal citizens with projects such as raking, mulching, planting, painting, cleaning windows, etc. / 6th annual event will occur on Saturday, April 13th / Currently soliciting projects through March 15th, staff will make a site visit in March/April to assess number of volunteers needed, supplies, and review the process with the resident. / There are no criteria for the projects, just need to submit a Job Request Form which can be found online: http://deanofstudents.illinoisstate.edu/students/get-involved/leadership-service/events-programs/documents/BIBTNJobRequestForm2013_000.pdf
Block Party / ISU’s Dean of Students will be hosting a student/community
block party on Thursday, April 18th from 4pm – 7pm / This will be for
residents in the Normal Avenue/University Ct area, the exact location is yet to
be determined and neighbors in the area will receive information once it has
been finalized. / Bloomington-Normal/Japanese Sister Cities Committee update:
Currently recruiting high school students to serve as exchange students for one
school year, junior high students interested in visiting Japan for 2 weeks in
June, and host families to host a junior high student at the end of March for
one week. / Information session for the high school exchange is February 10,
information for the junior high exchange is February 17. / All of the details
can be found online at bnsistercities.org
Beal—Communication Mgr. (309) 454-9595. / New Communications Manager for
the Town of Normal Administration Department. / Another resource for the NAN
committee and residents in regards to community issues. / Responsible for
website administration and Social Media messaging (Facebook and Twitter) – if
you have a message you would like sent out via Social Media, please contact me.
Abraham - Reported on upcoming April 9th. Elections, and work
of Precinct Captains.
Business meeting: Action- Roy Treadway moved a motion to reinstate Annual Dues.
David Brown seconded and was voted with a majority. / Charles presented the
Public Accountability Workshop Outline. Suggested another mtg. date to discuss
issues with officials. Small focus group to discuss property concerns with
taxing bodies, school bond issues, Unit 5 redistricting, Evans Jr. High, Normal
Fire Station, etc. It was questioned if this was getting away from the
actual purpose of NAN. Roy stated if it was to get information only,
it would follow NAN by-laws, but to be an advocate, it should be a separate
entity. / Poll Box - Charles wants each neighborhood to put in 2 issues
that concern our area that will be discussed with officials.
meeting closed at 12:00 Noon. Respectfully Submitted,
Agnello D’nello - Secretary-Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Uptown Station, November 3, 2012
The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Wilson at 10:05 A.M. with 18 present. The Minutes and Treasurer’s report for August 4, 2012 were read and approved.
Lyn Hruska, Executive Director, American Red Cross of the Heartland, expressed to us the impact so many volunteers have on people in need. The Red Cross is chartered by Congress, but is not a government agency. Our community has 150 trained volunteers as first responders for fire victims, etc. The area covers 32 counties and they have 20 equipped vehicles. They meet monthly and are training for 2 days to prepare for local emergencies such as the Hurricane disaster on the East coast. They also have a military communication network to bring soldiers home or locate them in family emergencies. They have been doing that for 125 years. They collect 30,000 pints of blood a year. Blood life is only for 42 days, so it is important to have drives often.
about 6% of the population donates blood. They have 3500 volunteers
committed to serve 3 week assignments. The situation on the East coast is
much worse than we see on TV. They have 350 emergency vehicles equipped
and ready. She said they encourage all families and businesses to make a
disaster plan and kit to be prepared if a disaster should occur. Larry
Shapiro asked how long it takes to respond to a disaster. Lyn said it
starts immediately with the local level, then to sectional and national levels
of responders. They buy provisions as close as possible to the area, but
will transport if necessary. They have agreements with businesses to tap
into nationwide.
Street, NPD, gave an update on crime activity in the area. Halloween
was pretty quiet, but the week before was quite busy with burglary activity,
mostly by one person. ISU has a crime alert with incidents on the trail
involving a weapon. Cell phones and wallets were taken. Most victims
were in their 20’s, but it can happen to anyone. Be alert to your
surroundings. Many burglaries occur during the Holidays when students and
homeowners are gone. Contact the NPD if you are gone for a while.
They can check your house. Have lights on timers, motion lights, and
lock up your valuables. Have a list of all serial numbers from your
electronics. If it snows, have a neighbor clean or drive into your
driveway several times.
Tulley, Uptown Marketing Manager, reported the Liner housing along the south
side of the College Ave. parking garage will start construction soon.
Commerce Bank will move in after the first of the year. Cosi will open
soon with a food and bar business. November 10th and 11th will be a free
Uptown open house with music, carriage rides, and movies at the Normal
Theater. They will have another one for Christmas in December.
Parking restrictions will go into effect on the circle soon, to be limited to
only 2 minutes drop-offs for the Station.
new NAN officer candidates for 2013-2014 that were nominated by the executive
committee in a special session were approved with no other nominations from the
floor. Gene LaGrand made a motion to accept the slate of officers with
Charles Alsberry as President, Larry Shapiro as Vice President, and Agnello
Dmello as Secretary-Treasurer. The motion was seconded by Darlene Tambell
and passed. Their term will begin on January first. The meeting was
adjourned at 11: 40
Submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary-Treasurer
Preliminary Notes on the Quarterly Meeting from Dawn Wilson
Normal Activity Center, May 5, 2012
Neighbors, If
you missed the last NAN meeting on May 5th we had a FULL agenda. Here are some
brief notes that I captured:
is too late to switch the large 95 gallon garbage carts for the 65 gallon carts
for free (deadline was Dec. 1, 2011). And it is too late for residents to
request a new garbage cart. However, some residents will want to use their
current 95 gallon cart for recycling now that it is available curbside, and
order a 65 gallon cart through this program to be used for garbage. The stickers
will not be attached when the cart arrives so that residents can decide which
size to use for each purpose. The stickers cannot be moved back and forth
between carts.
Wilson, President
Neighbors Association of Normal
Home: 451-1230
of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, February 4, 2012
meeting called to order by NAN Vice President Charles Alsberry at 10:04 a.m.
The minutes of November 5, 2011 were approved as amended. Roy Treadway
stated the houses purchased on Fell and School St. was not by mentioned by him.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
reports: Don Reece reported a problem with trash from the Quick & EZ
business was very bad, and asked what can be done about it. Officer Amanda
Street stated that it is an ordinance violation, but can only be enforced if
they are caught littering at the time. You can “adopt a street” or
area, and do regular clean ups to improve the neighborhoods. Ironwood also
has a problem with many loose newspapers blowing around regularly. Roy
Treadway reported that the Old North Normal area has been pretty quiet except
for the construction on “The Lodge” apartment complex. Fell Park
neighborhood, Flora Poling mentioned how nice Fell Park looked again this season
with the lights & banners. She has had comments from friends of how
beautiful it is, and appreciated.
Street, NPD, said burglaries were down last year, but there is a phone scam with
someone saying they are from the NPD or NFD, asking for donations. Both of
them call in the fall, but not at other times, ask for a call back number from
them. She discussed Fool’s Fest, which thankfully turned into Fool’s
Fizzle, because town officials and departments were able to pass an ordinance to
give the Mayor extra power in situations, and notices were posted with
consequences. All departments and hospitals were on high alert to be
manager Mark Peterson said the new assistant city manager is Sally Heffernan
from Rock Island will start February 13th. New apartment construction is
going well and helping the economy. There will be 900 beds at the Redbird
complex. He discussed the proposed curb recycling system. With the
automated garbage pickup, it may be more efficient to have curbside recycling
also. It is still being studied. If it is adopted, the current 15
bin sites would drop to 7 or 8. Carts will be $60.00, or $30.00 for early
signup. There will also be a $2.00 monthly fee added. Mark also
reported that all of the Ash trees in town will have to be taken down. The
Ash Bore is very aggressive in our area now. They will have replacement
tree information on their website. There are between 2500 & 3000 Ash
trees in the parks and right of ways.
Reece introduced Jason Barickman who is running for the State Senate in our
restructured district. He is an ISU and U of I graduate, a veteran, and a
State Representative since 2011.
Tulley, the new Uptown Marketing manager, said there will be a St. Patrick’s
Day parade in the Uptown area. Call him if you want to participate.
He stated the Conference Center will be named for former Mayor Carol A. Reitan.
The Uptown Station should open this summer. Commerce Bank is building on
the old Masonic Lodge site.
Dawn Wilson stated that we are seeking potential candidates for new NAN officers
in the fall election. May 5th will be our next meeting. She closed
the meeting at 11:27.
Respectfully Submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting Normal Activity Center, November 5, 2011
meeting opened at 10:04 by President Dawn Wilson. The minutes and
treasurer’s report were read and approved from the August 6, 2011 meeting.
26 Individuals were in attendance.
was determined by the President and executive committee to waive dues for the
2012 year. There have not been any major financial obligations for a long
time, and there are sufficient funds on hand.
first speaker, Joe Rejc, Director of Fan Experiences, Normal Cornbelters, gave
an overview of the baseball team and details of their third season. They
have 48 home games from May 18th to September 2nd. Attendance at the
games are mostly between 6,000 and 7,000 people, and they love the facilities
(including the “World’s Greatest Women’s Restroom”). The Corn Crib
sponsors Frontier family friendly movie nights for a free will donation if
desired, during the summer. Their website is http://www.normalbaseball.com/
Amanda Street, Community Services Officer gave a crime update warning there has
been some elderly person’s homes being burglarized while they are
distracted by another, in the yard, or they knock on the door & push
their way in.
Davison, City Planner, will be working with Historic Preservation again, along
with planning, zoning, and the uptown commission for future development.
Greg Troemel is building and zoning inspector. Discussed were The Lodge
apartments at Willow and School St. They will have about 300 beds with 79
units. Parking will be in the middle of the units with entrances on Willow
and School. The Willow Trails complex added 150 beds. There will be
about 600-700 new beds available with these units, 1010 Main St., and the
Redbird complex. The old Masonic Lodge was demolished and some of the
historic stonework was saved. Commerce Bank will be built on that
has purchased some houses at 211-213 N. Fell, and 302 N. School. Some
single family homes on W. Cypress have been purchased by individuals. NPD Chief
Bleichner will have a Facebook page for information. Mark Peterson said
the police use Facebook as a valuable tool to track student activities such as
“Fool’s Fest”.
Geoff Fruin, Assistant to the City Manager, is moving to Iowa City for the same position in that city.
The Uptown Station is planned to be completed in June. High speed rail is scheduled for completion in 2014, from Chicago to St. Louis, with 7 more trains added. IDOT owns the current rail station, but the town owns the ground. Sonja Reece was in Washington DC, meeting with Congress officials on Amtrak.
reports: Old North Normal—Mercy met with them to say their Historic
district can’t be changed with zoning without council and public hearings.
WARMMM neighbors – Annual potluck in September, with Cheryl Gaines attending.
next NAN meeting will be on February 4, 2012. The meeting was adjourned at
11:25 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary-Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 6 August 2011
meeting opened at 10:03 AM by President Dawn Wilson, with 20 members present.
The minutes and treasurer’s report were read and approved.
guest speaker was Barb Nathan, Director of the Community Cancer Center.
She is also a Registered Nurse (RN). She mentioned NAN is a good model for
the community, just as the Cancer Center is. The center opened 12 years
ago with a combined partnership of the health care community, to provide a much
needed facility without duplicating services individually. They provide
staff and services for public education, and early detection. The team of
doctors are specialists in medical oncology, chemotherapy, blood/hormone therapy
and radiation oncology. They obtained the Cyber knife machine 9 years ago,
which brought great precision technology to treat patients. They are very
cramped for space, and it was approved to increase the 26,000 sq. ft. space by
another 30,000 sq. ft. addition. It will be 2 stories on the south side.
Medical oncology will be on the first floor, with conference, education program,
prevention, and cooking classes on the second floor. They now have
meetings with staff sitting on the floor at times because of lack of space.
They are commencing a financial drive to help fund the much needed improvements,
and allow new treatment options. The timeline for ground breaking is April
if possible. It is expected to take about 12 months and cost about
$11,000,000. A new Tomo Therapy machine will be added.
next speaker was Annette from the ISU Alumni Office, to report on the 91st
homecoming. It is to kick off on Oct. 8, 2011 at the Children’s Museum
with Reggie Redbird. They will have a costumed scavenger hunt and many
other activities. They are working with officials for traffic changes.
The parade will be at 10:00, and the game is at 3:00. They are grateful
for resident’s input and cooperation.
Fruin reported on staff changes. Kent Crutcher, Police Chief is replaced
by Rick Beichner. Eric Klingele is the new Assistant Chief. Joseph
Tulley starts on August 15th as uptown Marketing Manager.
reported on the new garbage totes to be delivered to all single family
households the end of August. They are 96 gallon size, and can be
replaced for a smaller size if you can’t use the large one.
He also reported that the transportation center parking deck is progressing, and
they hope the ribbon cutting for the center will be about July 4, 2012. He
discussed the proposed liner housing to be against the College Ave. parking
deck. There is no public participation or cost. It will be as tall
as the deck.
reports: Ironwood had a meeting with Chief Crutcher addressing the
speeding problems in their area. 90 people attended. Old North
Normal Neighborhood Association held its quarterly meeting in
May with Council person Jeff Fritzen and the developer of the new student
apartment complex on Willow Ave. and School St.; about 25 persons attended. It
will hold its annual picnic at Fairview Park in September. Flora Poling wondered
if we should consider donating to the historic Route 66 gas station restoration
meeting was adjourned at 11:42.
Respectfully Submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary- Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 7 May 2011
meeting was opened by President Dawn Wilson at 10:07 AM with 22 present.
The minutes and treasurer’s report were read and approved from the February
5th meeting.
City Manager, Geoff Fruin reported on a few items of interest from the police
department. He said we can now file a police report online to NPD for
non-emergency issues. It will save about an hour’s time of a officer
responding to something minor that does not involve bodily harm, or not over a
certain dollar amount of damage. He also reported that they accomplished a
large drug bust along with local teams and in CA, and Chicago using SWAT
members. They severely disabled a lot of the drug activity in our area.
They are very proud of the joint effort.
also reported on the progress in the uptown area. They have been pouring
the deck floor for the new parking deck near the Transportation Center.
The big Clock Tower frame is installed. The Multi-Model building will have
the first floor for Amtrak, bus tickets, food vendors, news stands, WIFI access,
TVs and a gateway plaza to the Children’s Museum. The second floor will
be town offices of the clerks, legal and city manager. The third floor
will house the Human Resources offices. The fourth floor will be for the
council chambers, and there will be a meeting room available for public use.
The Inspections Department and Parks and Recreation will move into the old City
Hall. The Police Department will expand there also. The town has 365
full time employees.
Community Investment Plan is a six year plan for the big dollar amounts for the
budget. Parks and transportation, and infrastructure will be checked for
grant money if available at the time. The council listens to community
input also. You can go online and check when these are projected to
1010 Main St. apartment building is developing by First Site for next school
year, and will have retail on the first floor.
brought the electric car for members to look at and test drive. It runs
about 85 miles on a charge depending on the wind or use of heat/AC. The
maximum speed is 80 MPH. The weight is 2000 lbs., and handles well on the
highway. A full electrical charge takes about 10-12 hours, using a regular
outlet, and about 4-6 hours using a 220 outlet. It costs about $1.90 for
electricity for 85 miles.
Town Hall meeting sponsored by NAN will be held at the Normal Theater on June
14th at 6:30 and will have a panel of the Mayor and council to answer submitted
questions, and to answer individual questions afterwards.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM
Respectfully submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary-Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 5 February 2011
The meeting was opened by President Dawn Wilson at 10:03 AM with 18 in attendance. The minutes and treasurer’s report were read and approved.
program speaker was Jeff Fritzen from the BNCCC (Bloomington-Normal Community
Campus Committee). This committee is comprised of many groups throughout
the community with concerns of the problems associated with heavy drinking among
students of college and high school ages. Represented on the committee are
the Bloomington and Normal police and fire departments, County police, OSF and
BroMenn hospitals, Chestnut Healthcare and Project Oz. Also represented
are ISU, IWU, Heartland and Lincoln Colleges, and Unit 5.
year, they started a program called 0013 that would remind students to stop and
think. It stands for: 0- drinks
for anyone underage, 0- driving under the influence 1-
drink per hour 3- drinks per evening. They put it on the
website, and every 10th person received a T-shirt with that logo.
councils of Bloomington and Normal have adopted a requirement for kegs to be
registered with the name of the person renting them. The committee has
implemented a program called “STEPS” (Safety Training to Encourage
Profitable Services). The training will help sellers/servers of
alcoholic beverages to serve responsibly and stay within the law.
They have spoken nationally and hope to get grant money to expand it.
Amanda Street spoke on crime, which seems to rise when the economy goes down.
She said many crimes are now between the hours of 5:00-8:00pm. She said to
watch for people who are not from the neighborhood, take plate numbers, and call
police. Use lights at the front and back of your home.
Zajac of ISU Dean of Students Office will be working with students and neighbors
again with the ‘Bring it back to Normal” program on April 30, 2011.
This is where ISU students volunteer to help Normal residents by doing chores
for them for a few hours on that Saturday. A sign up will be available
online in March. This is the fourth year of this program, and it has been
a very good experience for the students and residents. Michael has had
many great comments and stories from the students when they return from the day,
and also from residents. There has been a good interaction with this
Fruin, Assistant City Manager, gave an update on the Transportation Center.
The underground work is 15-20% done, and the center should be done in 2012.
High speed rail upgrades to crossings should start this spring or summer.
There will be several resurfacing projects around town beginning in the Spring.
The town will implement an automated garbage pick up, using the large wheeled
garbage totes that can be picked up by the truck instead of workers. This
will be mandated for every household. He mentioned that some
intersections have new street signs that light up at night.
from individual neighborhoods were noted that several neighbors were outside
helping each other during the heavy snow. It was a good example of what it
means to be good neighbors, and was greatly appreciated by many. The
meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.
Respectfully Submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 13 November 2010
minutes and treasurer’s reports were read by the secretary. They were
approved as read by Flora Poling and seconded by Darlene Tamburini.
program speaker was John Bishop from the Normal Rotary Club, to explain how the
Club contributes to the community, and nationwide. He mentioned that they
have 1.2 million members in the nation. There are many in several other
countries also. Normal/Bloomington has four clubs. Their purpose is
to provide humanitarian projects to improve the quality of lives here and in
other countries where needed, by partnering with them to give assistance.
They have sent medical and dental professionals and supplies to various areas
that are in great need. Also they supply basic needs of food, water,
furniture, etc. as needed to disaster areas. They have built wells for a
clean water supply.
four area clubs are: The Sunrise Club—young professionals with 100
members. The Normal Club has a lot of educators from Unit 5 and
includes 89 members. The Sunset Club has 17 members. The Bloomington
Club, which is the oldest with 70 to 80 members. They work closely with
the Baby Fold, Coats for Kids, along with many stores to provide for the needs
of families, schools and children. They give 5 scholarships a year to High
School Seniors who can not afford to go to college.
Schrader from the Town of Normal gave updates on the uptown area. He
mentioned that the Uptown Circle was completed over the summer. The
Marriott Hotel with 9 floors and 230 rooms has been quite busy, including the
conference center. He mentioned that other merchants are benefitting also.
The Uptown Crossing opened with CVS Pharmacy on the first floor, office spaces
are on the second floor. The top three floors are apartments.
140 trees in uptown have been planted, benches, bike racks, and lights in the
circle have been completed. The Multi-Model Transportation Center began in
July. They hope to open it in July of 2012. It will accommodate
trains, busses, cabs, and shuttles to the airport. It will be a four story
structure with a 400 space parking deck. The top floor will be council
chambers and town administrative offices.
Amanda Street, Normal Police Department reported that three houses in North
Normal had graffiti painted on them. She asked that you contact police
before you clean it up. She mentioned that she is the contact to start a
neighborhood watch in your neighborhood.
were opened for the election of officers for the next two years. There
were no new nominations. It was approved and seconded that we keep the
current officers that now hold office. They are: Dawn Wilson as
President, Charles Alsberry as Vice President, and Judy Scott as
meeting was adjourned at 11:38 AM.
Respectfully Submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary-Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 7 August 2010
The meeting opened at 10:04 AM by President Dawn Wilson. The minutes and
treasurer’s report were read and approved.
Our guest speakers were Dr. Brent Paterson, Associate Vice President for ISU
Finance and Planning, and Deb Smitley, Senior Associate Vice President for
Student Affairs. They discussed the ISU Master Plan to include 2010 to
enrollment is expected to stay between 20,000 and 21,000 students. The
plan calls for 19 new buildings. 22% of the current buildings were built
prior to 1960, and 40% were built by the 1970's. The new plan includes
more green space and gathering areas.
new student Kinesiology and Recreation Center will open in January 2011, with
100,000 square feet. Areas include 4 gyms, a climbing wall, a track,
aerobic equipment, class rooms, a small 5 lane pool and a juice bar. It will
used by students, alumni, faculty and their families, but not open to the
Court was built in 1947 for apartment housing and will be demolished beginning
in February 2011. It will be replaced with five buildings of new
apartments. Watterson Towers were built in 1968 with 28 stories.
They are restoring sections each year until 2012. The food court will be
closed and will be replaced with buffet stations. The old Recreation
Center at Beech and Willow St. will be remodeled and used by ISU Police, the
Gamma Phi Circus and gymnastics. The number of students displaced into
the community will be approximately 450.
Normal Police Community Services Officer Amanda Street explained the early
notification sign up for persons with medical issues or disabilities.
She gave updates on local burglaries.
Jeff Fritzen discussed the purpose of the Bloomington/Normal Community Campus
Committee (BNCCC), which is to educate students on the dangers of binge
drinking and to have responsible parties. Participating agencies include
the 4 Universities, the NPD, BPD, county police, ISU police, the Chestnut
Health System, St. Joseph and Advocate Bromenn hospitals, and the Bloomington
and Normal city councils. They receive grants from State, Federal and
private agencies.
A short business meeting followed with comments from neighborhood
representatives. A motion was presented and moved by Roy Treadway to
have a NAN banner purchased. The motion was approved.
Dave Wiant was chosen as Normal’s Citizen of the year by the town in July.
The November NAN meeting will be held at the Community Center. We will
have an election of officers for a two year term, and dues will be taken.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:38 AM.
Respectfully Submitted, Judy Scott, Secretary Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 8 May 2010
President Dawn Wilson called the meeting to order on May 8th, 2010 at 10:05 AM.
The minutes of the February 6, 2010 meeting was approved. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. It was also unanimously approved by membership to allow NAN officers to be reimbursed for expenses occurred for mailings and office supplies as needed.
Our guest speaker was Karen Zangerle, Director of PATH /211. She stated that their main purpose is to prevent suicides. They get between 35-40 calls a week on this. They implemented the ability to dial 211 for PATH counseling and assistance even during the night in 1990. It still is not fully statewide with the 211 number. They also provide information and assistance with things such as emergency rent, transportation, and healthcare concerns.
PATH has some funds, but mostly refers them to the Red Cross, the Mission, or another entity that can help them the most. Assistance in other areas include "Circuit Breaker" for families making less than $20,000 a year, they offer rent rebates, prescription cards , and similar items. They investigate Elder Abuse and help with "in home" assistance for caregivers. PATH also connects the Homeless with shelters that can take them. Interested persons can sign up for a PATH-A-Gram every other week. You can e-mail them at www.PATHcrisis.org. They run 24/7 with volunteers. They go through an 80 hour training program. Volunteers are greatly needed. There were 70 suicide calls a week in July/August of 2009.
Normal Police Officer Amanda Street reported on Neighborhood Watch issues, & reminded us to call her if there are too many unrelated residents in homes, or of loud parties, underage drinking, or other violations that are causing problems. The PD is working with Michael Zajac, ISU Dean of Students office to curb these offenses. The PD works with PATH often to refer kids with problems for counseling.
Geoff Fruin mentioned that we can call if homes go up for sale in our neighborhood, and they will contact the realtor to tell them of unrelated resident restrictions. He also reported that the uptown round about should be finished by the end of June. The CVS building should be open by July. ISU will occupy the second floor, and apartments will be above. The Transportation Center should break ground this summer, and take 18-24 months to complete. The Main Street plan is still being worked on with property owners. Attorney John Wright discussed the legal aspects of a subdivision covenant. If buying a home, you can check the Recorder’s Office for a deed & look for a covenant.
The next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2010.
Dawn Wilson, President
Judy Scott, Secretary-Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 6 Feb. 2010
Approved-8 May 2010
President Dawn Wilson called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. with 25 persons present.
During NAN’s formal business meeting, the minutes for the 2009 November 7 meeting were approved unanimously. The Treasurer’s report indicated an income of bank interest from August to November of $0.26 and $45.00 in dues, with expenditures of $63.70 for NAN flier printing with a current balance of $713.24. The report was approved unanimously.
Bob Clark from McLean County Emergency Management Agency (E.M.A.) discussed disaster preparedness. Bob emphasized that the first 72 hours after a natural disaster such as a tornado, earthquake, or flood are the most important. McLean County E.M.A. is required to submit a plan to the state every 2 years, and towns must sign off on the plan. They assist with unified commands with the Fire, Hazardous Materials, Police, search and rescue, and other agencies to coordinate efforts and store and maintain equipment and materials needed to respond to any emergency. Equipment includes specially equipped motor homes, including satellite, special cameras, lighting, generators, etc. There is a dive team from Hudson that assists in water search and rescue.
Bob showed us examples of what should be included in everyone’s home emergency kit: “Heater meals” in a package, canned meat with an opener, 1 gallon of water per person per day, blankets, and clothing. Other important items included bleach, toilet paper, a spotlight, glow sticks, and a battery operated weather radio. Other helpful suggestions were to have a list of emergency phone numbers, any important special medical information, and directions to your home in case you can’t think clearly when calling for help. All items could be in a plastic garbage can with wheels in a handy location. Have a list of contacts and have an “ICE “(In case of emergency) # on your cell phone.
Amanda Street from the Normal Police Department was introduced as our new contact for Neighborhood Watch as she is the new Community Services officer replacing Brian Williams. She discussed the early notification registration program that is an option for those who may need special assistance in an emergency. The registration form can be printed from the NPD web site at http://www.npd.org/Files/EarlyNotificationRegistration.pdf or you can register by getting a form at the police department. This helps to identify those who are deaf/hard of hearing, Downs Syndrome, Vision Impaired, Alzheimer’s, Mental Illness, etc.
Geoff Fruin, Assistant to the City Manager, mentioned that interested residents can sign up for the All About Normal class to learn more about how the town departments function. He encouraged everyone to return their Census questionnaire. The Uptown One project near the roundabout has been stalled due to a financial situation. He discussed budget cuts that will be implemented by the town due to reductions in money from the State level.
The next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for 7 Aug 2010. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a.m..
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 7 November 2009
Approved-6 February 2010
President Dawn Wilson called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. with 21 persons
Mr. Brown described how anyone can make their own compost pile or to use a
garbage can with holes in it. Soiled paper products, food scraps, yard
waste, leaves and sticks will compost into usable fertilizer for your yard.
Leaves and sticks form carbon, and fruits, vegetables, and grass form nitrogen.
These should be fairly equal if you plan to use it on gardens and plants. For
used cooking oil, call the Ecology Action Center, they have contacts that will
take it. For more information see their web site http://www.ecologyactioncenter.org/
President Dawn Wilson stated that she has been attending monthly meetings with
the Bloomington-Normal Community Campus Committee (BNCCC). They are
concerned with the alcohol consumption among the students of the community.
They do audits with the police to check ID’s for legal age drinkers.
They would like to meet with neighbors to discuss opinions and problems in
neighborhoods. Dawn will keep in contact with them for future plans of how
NAN can help.
Geoff Fruin, Assistant to the City Manager of Normal gave an update on uptown
activities. At the corner of Linden and Beaufort, there is no longer an
option to turn left onto Linden if headed North. The Multi-Model
Transportation Center that will be between the Children’s Museum and Amtrak
will be mostly funded by Federal Grants when they come through with the funds.
There is a Capitol bill for the high speed project. A question was asked
about handicapped parking. There is a shortage of places at this time
except in the parking garages. This will be addressed before too
Geoff also discussed the 2010 Census will be very important for the tax base and
amount of money the town is allotted from the state. It is important to
get an accurate count so the town is allowed the amount it should get which is
about $110 per person. We will get a questionnaire in February to fill out
and return. Those who do not complete the questionnaire will receive a
visit from Census employees sometime in April.
NAN dues are being accepted at this time for 2010. Neighborhood
reports included Old North Normal Neighborhood had a picnic in September and
will have Councilman Scott speak at their February meeting. Ironwood now
has signs for their meetings. Fell Park had Officer Brian Williams
speak on Neighborhood Watch for Night out Against Crime, and had a wiener roast
in September.
next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for 6 Feb. 2010. The meeting
adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 2 May 2009
President Dawn Wilson called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. with 23 persons present.
During NAN’s formal business meeting, the minutes for the 2009 February 7 meeting were approved unanimously. The treasurer’s report indicated an income of bank interest from January to March of $0.26 and $20.00 in dues, with expenditures of $0.00 with a current balance of $711.42. The report was approved unanimously.
The following speakers presented material at the meeting as follows:
Farr, Normal Township Supervisor
Bobbi Lewis-Sibley, Bloomington Normal Community Campus Committee (BNCCC)
Mike Zajac, Illinois State University Off-Campus Student Services
Nora Dukowitz, Uptown Normal Marketing Manager
Richard Farr discussed the township form of government, how funding for projects works and how other business areas within the township work together to complete projects. The township is responsible for 25 miles of roads and funding sources come from real estate taxes. Mr. Farr’s office is also responsible for the Senior Center at the Community Activity Center that is open 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily. They offer blood pressure testing, counseling, computer lab, bus trips, coffee club, Peace Meal, Bingo, Books on the Go program and many others. 650 homes per month get a mailing from the Senior Center.
A design consultant has been called in to look at future space needs and 375 questionnaires were mailed out to survey future needs. The top responses were Fitness & Exercise, Health & Wellness and Trips & Travel.
Bobbi Lewis-Sibley, Community Liaison for the BNCCC discussed the history and current focus of the committee that been in existence since January 2005 with a goal to reduce high risk drinking behaviors in Bloomington/Normal. The committee is funded by a Department of Human Services grant. Meetings are the third Thursday of the month. See www.bnccc.org for more information. Michael Zajac discussed the Bring it back to Normal service event of April 18th that brought residents and students together to help with yard work or other tasks. This is a yearly event that is held in the spring.
ISU students were discussed in reference to student’s rights and responsibilities and that the Dean’s office wants to be more proactive rather than reactive to issues. There is discussion of developing a Safety Coalition with a focus on enhancing safety.
Nora Dukowitz presented Uptown updates.
The Marriott hotel is due to open in September 2009.
JSM Development has begun construction at the former church site next to the post office. Farmers Market is open 3:30-6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays in the lot by Amtrak.
Commerce Bank is in the process of finding a new location/temporary home until One Main Development is constructed.
The next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for 1 Aug. 2009. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Judy Scott – Secretary/Treasurer - With help from Dawn Wilson
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 7 February 2009
Roy Treadway called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. with 31 persons present.
Respectfully submitted:
Dawn M. Wilson
– Secretary/Treasurer (with
help from Judy Scott and Roy Treadway)
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 1 November 2008
President Roy Treadway called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. with 23 persons
The goals that Brian has for the library are to strengthen relationships with
other groups and businesses as there are a lot of resources available to them.
Also mentioned was future space needs for the library and its patrons. The
library is working with a Master Planning Process in determining future needs
and planning for growth. There will be more opportunity in the
future for community members to provide input.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn M. Wilson – Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 2 August 2008
President Roy Treadway called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. with 35 persons
Reece, Town of Normal Assistant City Manager
Zajac, Illinois State University Off-Campus Student Services Coordinator
Olshack, Illinois State University Associate Dean of Students
Miller, Illinois State University Off-Campus Senator, Student Government
Rights & Responsibilities (discipline, mediation, etc.) 438-8621
Affairs 438-2151
and Nontraditional Student Services 438-2836
of Students Office 438-2008 to contact Rick Olshak directly or the Dean on Duty.
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting,
Sonja Reece from the WARMM neighborhood mentioned solicitors coming door to door
should have a permit from Town of
Ironwood mentioned a new irrigation system for the golf course is 75 percent complete and season passes are available.
According to Roy Treadway, ONNNA will have a meeting with Mayor Koos in a couple of weeks and an annual garage sale the first Saturday in June.
Installation of the Towanda and
Geoff also mentioned the availability of Community Services officer Brian Williams who can talk to neighborhoods about safety.
Nora Dukowitz gave an update on summer road construction projects for Uptown.
The 685 space
The meeting adjourned at 11:53 a.m.
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, Normal Activity Center, 2 February 2008
President Roy Treadway called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. with 32 persons present.
Town of Normal City Manager Mark Peterson spoke briefly about snow removal in the town, noting an increased number of storms this year. The Town has purchased more salt to satisfy demand.
The Town of Normal has a pay as you go philosophy for all major construction projects except Uptown. Because the Town had no debt at the beginning of 2000, interest rates on the borrowing for Uptown is quite low. The current town debt is $65 million dollars with a total of $80 million in borrowing anticipated. With a projected $231 million in private investment, the expected total investment in Uptown Normal, including state and federal funds, is $336 million (2004-2012).
In 2008, the traffic circle, Beaufort St. from Fell Ave. to the traffic circle, and Constitution Boulevard will be completed. Beaufort St. from the circle to Linden Ave. will likely be completed in 2009. The Marriott hotel should be completed between April and May of 2009. The hotel will have 229 rooms and a 43,000 square foot conference center. May 1, 2008 is the expected completion date of the College Avenue Parking deck next to Bank of Illinois. There will be 680 parking spaces, two elevators, and three staircases. After the parking deck is completed, building of 40-45 one and two bedroom owner- occupied condominiums will begin. Costs for parking in the deck and elsewhere in Uptown are under discussion, and it is expected the town will have a public meeting this summer.
The Main Street corridor is being planned along Main St., Kingsley St, and Center St. from I-55 in north Normal to I-74 in south Bloomington. When the Main St. corridor is completed after many years, a diverse corridor with pockets of residential and commercial space is expected. The area between College Ave. and Hovey Ave. has heavy interest by developers. The Main St. corridor plans are finished, and a form based zoning code is being prepared.
Another public hearing is planned to discuss the land use plan in March 2008.
During NAN’s formal business meeting, the minutes for the 2007 November 3 meeting were approved unanimously. The treasurer’s report indicated an income of $115.00 and expenditures of $21.10 since November and a balance of $608.38. Bank interest was received from July to December 2007 of $1.55.
The proposed changes in the NAN by-laws were discussed and unanimously approved by the membership. Judy Scott provided an overview of the Fell Park Monument, and a $200 donation from NAN membership was unanimously approved.
Roy Treadway announced that the Old North Normal Historical District Association and the North School Street Neighborhood Association have decided to merge into the Old North Normal Neighborhood Association (ONNNA).
Jim Sedgwick from Maplewood mentioned the Underwood Park expansion.
Roy solicited from the NAN membership ideas for future meetings and activities. Several suggestions were mentioned .
Geoff Fruin reviewed the All About Normal program that is still accepting applications until February 6th. They have had one successfully completed program with two NAN members.
The next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for May 3rd, likely at the Town of Normal Activities Building.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dawn M. Wilson – Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting, 3 November 2007
President Roy Treadway called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. Twenty-four persons were
The minutes of the 2007 August 4 meeting were approved unanimously. The treasurer’s report
showed an income of $10.00 and expenditures of $0.00 since August 4 and a balance on November 3
of $608.38. Bank interest has not been recorded and will be added to the next quarterly report.
Dr. Gary C. Niehaus, Unit 5 Superintendent, and Scott Lay, Unit 5 School Board, presented
“Challenges and Plans for Unit 5 Schools.” Dr. Niehaus noted that there is enormous growth in the
district since its population has doubled since 1970. Handouts were provided with enrollment and
growth projections as well as the costs for the buildings and financing of each fund. Grove Elementary
school is a model for the district.
In order to provide capacity for student growth up to 2015, plans include:
· Construction of two new elementary schools and one middle school;
· Expansion of Sugar Creek Elementary school;
· Renovations to selected older elementary schools; and
· Possible expansion to high schools.
Individual reports from neighborhoods were presented.
The Fell park neighborhood had a successful Fell Fest, and handouts were provided for ongoing fundraising for the Jesse Fell monument being planned for Fell Park.
Larry Shapiro mentioned the Winter Hill Grove Children and Elders
forest gathering on Saturday, November 10th on Jersey Avenue. He also mentioned future locations
possibly near White Oak Park and State Farm Corporate South. For more information see
www.normal.org .
Announcements included the following:
· The NAN brochure has been revised, and copies are available.
· An article about NAN will appear in the Normal Newsline (see page 11).
· The NAN By-laws need updating; to do this Executive Committee members will be identified
and contacted soon.
· A brief overview of the October 31 meeting with ISU, Town officials and community
members held at ISU by Steve Adams, Vice President of Student Affairs.
Nora Dukowitz, Town of Normal Marketing Manager, gave a brief overview of current
construction projects and activities planned for Halloween and holiday time in Uptown Normal.
The next NAN Quarterly meeting is scheduled for 2 February 2008 at the Town of Normal
Activity Center 1110 Douglas Street.
Roy Treadway closed the meeting at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn M. Wilson – Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes - 4 August 2007
of the Quarterly Meeting, Bank of
President Roy Treadway called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Twenty-two persons were present.
neighborhood just had a picnic with neighbors and
Larry Shapiro reported that west side neighbors worked together using a phone tree, flyers and word of mouth to share information about the proposed west side asphalt plant that was not passed recently.
Announcements included the following:
• Nora Dukowitz, Uptown Marketing Manager offered brief updates to uptown construction as well as walking tour after meeting
of Illinois Update: Representatives from Bank of Illinois & Farnsworth
Group were present. Diana Whitte, Vice President Cashier and David
Burnison, Principal and Manager of Architectual Division of Farnswork presented
information about the bank’s history, construction and features. Ms.
Whitte spoke about the old building versus the new, their goal to become a
partner in the community as well as their reasons for staying in
next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2007 at the Town of
Normal Activity Center 1110 Douglas Street.
Respectfully submitted, Dawn M. Wilson – Secretary/Treasurer
- 5 May 2007
Activity Center
Vice-President Charles Alsberry called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Seventeen persons were present.
Individual reports from neighborhoods were heard with Fell Park offering a potluck in the park on Sunday, May 20 and Fell Festival on Saturday, September 22.
School Street & North Normal recently had a meeting with City manager Mark Peterson and also discussed was Raab road development.
Representatives from Illinois State University Office of Student Affairs and Student Government association were present. Steve Adams, Vice President of Student Affairs facilitated a candid discussion on today’s issues and long range housing plans for ISU students. Associate Dean of Students Rick Olshak, Community Liaison Michael Zajac and Student Government Representative Ryan Cullen were also in attendance and gave brief presentations when asked.
Steve noted there is a university mediation program and that ISU does partner with Normal Police and the Town of Normal. He offered to host a meeting on campus before school starts in August to bring together landlords, residents, ISU police, Normal police and Town of Normal.
Nora Dukowitz, Town of Normal Marketing Director was present and offered an Uptown update. Nora noted there is a hotline available for residents to call for construction updates (433-FIND), if you zero out of the message it goes to Nora’s voice mail. You can also check the www.uptownnormal.org website. The uptown renewal office has moved to 108 East Beaufort across from the Children’s Discovery Museum.
The minutes of the 2007 January 27 meeting were approved unanimously. The treasurer’s report indicated an income of $.78 and expenditures of $4.80 since January 28 and a balance on May 5 of $607.99. Bank interest was received from January to March 2007 of $.78.
The next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for August 4, 2007, location to be announced.
Charles Alsberry closed the meeting at 11:46 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dawn M. Wilson – Secretary/Treasurer
- 27 January 2007
Activity Center
President Roy Treadway called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. Thirty-three persons were present.
Candidates for the Town of Normal City Council participated in a forum. Sonja Reece, Jeff Frtizen, Chuck Scott, and Michael McFarland were in attendance. Parker Lawlis was out of town. Candidates were able to present their platform, answer questions from the audience and provide closing comments. Candidates answered questions about the Normal Theater, town financing, and zoning and signing regulations for businesses. They also answered a question on the impact on social services with an increase in population as a result of uptown Normal development.
The minutes of the 2006 November 4 meeting were approved unanimously. The treasurer’s report indicated an income of $20.00 and expenditures of $2.40 since November 4 and a balance on January 27 of $612.01. Beland Neighborhood Association paid $20.00 dues for 2007.
The next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for May 5, 2007 at the Town of Normal Activity Building.
Roy Treadway closed the meeting at 11:42 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dawn M. Wilson - Secretary/Treasurer
November 4, 2006
Normal Activity Center
President Jim Sedgwick called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Twenty-four persons were present. Nora Dukowitz, Normal’s Downtown Marketing Manager, outlined developments in “Downtown Normal: Current Projects, Future Prospects” with the help of Geoff Fruin, Assistant to the City Manager of Normal. Overall, several projects have been completed, particularly on Beaufort Ave. between North Ave. and Linden Ave.
Several surface public parking lots adjacent to the railroad tracks have been completed. The Bank of Illinois, Main St. Bank and Trust, and Medici’s restaurant buildings are under construction and should be finished in 2007. The Marriott Hotel, Convention Center, and attached parking garage are awaiting the results of a second bid for construction and hopefully will start shortly.
Babbitt’s Books is negotiating a new location in Normal, but Warrick Shoe Service has not found a place to relocate. The Multi-modal center is still awaiting adequate funding although the design is underway. Several other projects are under consideration but are not yet committed. A parking garage where the Bank of Illinois is now is expected to be built in 2007.
The Town will be undertaking major (and much needed) street and infrastructure rebuilding, probably starting in early 2007, including a new roundabout where Beaufort St., North St., and the new Constitution Boulevard meet; the interior will include a place to relax and reflect.
During this major infrastructure rebuilding, expected to take place from 2007 to 2009, streets will be closed for several months on a rolling basis. The Town of Normal will let the residents and businesses know what to expect with periodic communication; NAN will assist in keeping its members informed.
The minutes of the 2066 August 5 were approved unanimously. The Treasurer’s report, indicating income of $20.43 and expenditures of $15.81 since August 3 and a balance on November 4 of $508.71, was also approved. School St., Maplewood, Fell Park, Warmmm Neighborhood Associations paid $20.00 dues for 2007.
Michelle Covey, Director, Ecology Action Center, described a project to stencil storm water drain inlets in Bloomington and Normal alerting residents to keep the water clean. She invited neighborhood associations to help, perhaps as part of a special neighborhood activity.
Bob Hunt, Professor Emeritus of Illinois State University’s Stevenson Center, invited neighborhoods to become part of project to make our Community Elder Friendly. A phone number would be established to assist seniors finding important services.
Neighborhoods reported on their activities since the August meeting. Fell Park, Warmmm, and School St.-Old North Normal Historical District (jointly) each had picnics. Beland had new sidewalks installed and is considering visibility issues. Ironwood has a new newsletter and is discussing covenants.
Geoff Fruin announced a new education program by the Town to learn about the inner workings of the Town government, scheduled for Spring 2007.
According to Roy Treadway, the Community Relations Committee of Illinois State University met last on September 29. Roy represents NAN while Ed Jelks, Linda Giles, and Mark Wyman from the School St. neighborhood represent other residents. Neighbors from other neighborhoods near campus are encouraged to participate. The Town of Normal, Dean of Students Office, and Student Government all participated. The committee identified three groups off students living off campus: 1) the large majority who are respectful of residents, 2) a small group unaware of resident needs and concerns, and 3) a persistent group who hold most of the large, noisy parties, mainly to make money from selling alcohol. The University cannot take disciplinary action against persons who hold loud, illegal parties, unless there is clear proof that they are students. Despite more students living off campus in the future when ISU closes several dormitories, the committee apparently was not sure what the problem was or if anything could be done about it and has not met since September.
Mike Gibson, with Alikat Publishing, offered to publish neighborhood newsletters for no charge. To pay for the newsletters, these would include household-oriented, local advertising.
The NAN Forum on Financing the Town of Normal Development will take place on Tuesday, November 14, at 7:00 p.m. Mark Peterson and Ron Hill will discuss how the Town finances its developments and answer questions.
Residents have an opportunity to give input on the image of Main St. in Bloomington-Normal on November 30. Other meetings will take place later in the year.
NAN’s Nominating Committee, the current officers, presented the nominees for officers for 2007-2008 as follows: President - Roy C. Treadway, Vice President - Charles Alsberry, and Secretary-Treasurer - Dawn Wilson. No nominations were made from the floor. The nominees were elected unanimously.
The next NAN Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for February 10 at the Town of Normal Activity Building.
Jim Sedgwick closed the meeting at 11:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Roy C. Treadway, Secretary-Treasurer
August August 5, 2006
Normal Public Library, Community Room
President Jim Sedgwick called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Twenty persons were present. We welcomed Dawn Wilson from the Fell Park neighborhood. We recognized Warren Craig, Normal’s citizen of the year.
The minutes from 2006 May 6 were approved as presented.
The Treasurer’s report, showing a balance of $503.87, was also approved as presented.
Dave Wiant, Vice-President, reported on the meetings that the officers of NAN have held with Mark Peterson, Town Manager, and Geoff Fruin, Assistant to the Manager, to improve communication between NAN and the Town. He outlined the newsletter of NAN, You Need to Know, as a result of these discussions.
Roy Treadway, Secretary-Treasurer, reported on the collaborative effort of the officials of the off campus student unit of Illinois State University, several students, Town of Normal officials, and several residents of neighborhoods of Normal. Roy is representing NAN. The group, the Community Relations Ad Hoc Committee, decided to focus on the issue of noise, the problem cited most frequently by members of the committee. Roy asked for and received feedback from members of NAN, and he will report the residents’ perspective on the noise issue to a September meeting of the committee.
The officers of NAN have not been able to schedule a forum on the financing of Normal’s development activities because of summer schedules. Mark Peterson and Ron Hill, Town of Normal Director of Finance, have agreed to present how Normal finances its development; Council members are willing to answer questions.
Mike McKnight, Volunteer for the Red Cross, spoke about Disaster Preparedness for Neighbors and Neighborhoods, particularly about possible tornadoes, severe storms, significant fires, or toxic waste or nuclear-radiation spills or explosions. Planning is the most important thing to do before a disaster on whether to stay in or evacuate a house. Adequate supplies should be gathered before a disaster. Also a way of communicating with family and friends in case of no electricity or phone service should be developed. Neighborhood associations, using a prepared directory, could set up a plan on checking on neighbors who need help. Information and training in first aid and CPR are available from the Red Cross.
According to Jim Watson, Normal’s Fire Chief, who helped answer questions, and Mike McNight, when a disaster strikes, local emergency management (police and fire) should be called first (911) to report neighborhood problems and get guidance. The Red Cross will be called by the police and fire personnel. Hospitals are making plans to handle a large number of persons in the event of a major disaster. Despite all these preparations by agencies, neighbors should be prepared to be on their own for 96 hours in case of a major disaster. Finally, one should not go outside to help others until it is safe to do so.
Fell Park, WARMMM, Maplewood, and School St. with Old North Normal Historic District neighborhoods held picnics or social events during the summer or planned them for September.
Parker Lawlis reminded us that elections for the Town of Normal Council will be held in Spring 2007, and petitions for those elections need to be filed in November.
NAN will hold elections for its three officers at its November meeting; persons interested in being nominated should contact Jim Sedgwick.
We adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Roy C. Treadway, Secretary-Treasurer
- May 6, 2006
Normal Public Library, Community Room
President Jim Sedgwick called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Twenty-seven persons were present, including Jon Rice, representing Savannah Green. The minutes from 2006 Feb. 11 were approved as presented. The Treasurer’s report, showing a balance of $474.38, was also approved as presented.
Neighborhood dues were collected from the Savannah Green Neighborhood, and individual household dues from LaVon and George Schultz, Howard and Melba Jean Frink, and Margaret Williams.
Several neighborhoods presented brief reports on their activities.
School St. and Old Normal Historical District Assoc. had a joint meeting discussing issues of crime and are planning a yard sale together on June 10.
Fell Park neighborhood is developing a neighborhood history and will have a potluck on May 21.
In response to some previous problems, Windsor Hills had the Normal Police present an excellent program on neighborhood security at their annual meeting.
Savannah Green is also planning a garage sale.
Ironwood is concerned about maintenance of the golf course near houses.
Maplewood will have a picnic soon and has experienced some auto vandalism.
The Warm neighborhood will have a potluck gathering and welcomes two babies as part of a process of age-related neighborhood turnover.
Mark Peterson, Normal Town Manager, discussed planning in the Town of Normal. Normal develops many plans, ranging from storm water, 2030 Vision, parks and recreation, greenways, transportation, finances (budget), and comprehensive plans for both the Town and McLean County. All are available on-line, from the Normal Library, or Town Hall. Technology, East-side transportation, and Main St. comprehensive plans are being developed now.
While these show general long-term plans, they do not always have a lot of interest. Often more specific plans are of more interest to people, because this involves zoning issues, including a one-and-one-half mile zone surrounding Normal in rural areas that might be part of pre-annexation agreements.
Here is where more technical issues may be addressed about specific developments. Many fees are charged to pay for development. Normal has been fairly conservative in approving development because of the challenges of providing fire, police, trash, water, and sewer services; thus, it encourages compact development.
Town staff first reviews proposed plans; the Normal Planning Commission, who are appointed, then consider plans with one or two public hearings. The impact of new developments on older neighborhoods is considered, but there seems to be no slow down in new developments being proposed.
Questions from NAN members covered the desirability of improved and extended bus service, hazardous street crossings, particularly on Main St., and increased and fast traffic
Mark briefly reviewed downtown Normal developments. With completion of several projects in 2006, more parking across the Amtrak tracks is being completed. Also with the start of the Marriot Hotel in the summer, and possible closure of Beaufort Ave. from Fell Ave. to Broadway Ave. this summer. Neighborhoods near downtown should become more desirable because of the renovation of downtown.
After a short break, Dave Wiant presented the results for the survey NAN sent out to members in February. Of the 48 surveys sent, about one-third were returned. Major concerns cited by NAN members were poor communication with the Town of Normal, particularly about its activities and new developments and zoning changes being considered, increased and excessively fast traffic, problems by students affecting our neighborhoods, and poorly maintained rental properties. The costs of town-supported development, particularly in downtown Normal, were also a concern.
To address these concerns, the officers of NAN will be meeting with Mark Peterson and Geoff Fruin once a month. In addition, we are developing ways to communicate Town activities to NAN members primarily by electronic means. With the support of NAN members, NAN will sponsor an evening forum in May to discuss Town of Normal process of financing new development projects in Normal.
For future projects, Jim encouraged NAN members to tell other neighbors of NAN activities. Neighborhood representatives need to be more helpful and attend NAN Executive Committee meetings. The Executive Committee has been charged with nominating new NAN officers to be elected in November, and would welcome suggestions or volunteers.
The next Executive Committee Meeting is on Tuesday, May 9, 10:00 a.m., at the Coffee House. We are considering having the NAN August 5 program to cover neighborhood disaster planning.
On Tuesday, August 1, Normal will have a national night out for neighborhood security.
Amy Miller showed us early historical plans for a Normal cemetery, south of Rabb Ave., between School St. and the current Constitution Trail. The cemetery was never developed, but was an important concept at the time.
We adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Roy C. Treadway Secretary-Treasurer
MINUTES: February 11, 2006
President Jim Sedgwick called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Twenty-four persons were present. Several neighborhoods presented brief reports on their activities.
Roy Treadway relayed that School Street Association and Old North Normal Historical District Association had decided not to merge at this time, but to work together.
Jurgeon Schroeer mentioned that the Old North Normal Historical District sign on the southern portion of School St. had been stolen.
Fell Park Neighborhood is working with the Town of Normal on plans for Fell Park and had some vandalism in the neighborhood.
Maplewood Neighborhood had some burglaries in the area.
Ironwood Neighborhood is dealing with traffic problems and weeds in the golf course.
Beland Neighborhood may have four-foot sidewalks installed along some streets.
The minutes of the 2005 November 5 meeting were distributed and approved by voice vote, as was the Treasurer’s report, which showed a balance of $405.65 as of February 11.
The minutes of the NAN Executive Committee Meeting on 2005 January 28 were distributed for information purposes.
Jim Sedgwick asked for volunteers for various committees of NAN. Currently, Judy Scott serves on the Program Committee. The Nominating Committee needs two or three members to suggest candidates for President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer to be elected at our November 2006 meeting. The representative or contact person from each neighborhood is a member of the Executive Committee; if the representative cannot attend the Executive Committee meeting, an alternative should come to the meeting so that NAN can conduct its business. We were encouraged to invite more people to NAN meetings.
Roy Treadway reported on the Storm Water Advisory Committee of the Town of Normal. Roy, Jim Sedgwick, and Dave Wiant are representatives from NAN, as residents of Normal. The Committee is considering the desirable and mandated improvements in taking care of storm water in Normal and how those improvements can be funded.
Jim Sedgwick discussed the Normal Planning Commission meeting on the Normal Comprehensive Plan, primarily concerning the East-side connector highway, and the public forum to discuss a proposed smoking ban in public places, including restaurants and bars, in Normal and Bloomington.
Karen Schmidt and Pamela Eaton from the Dimmitt’s Grove neighborhood and Dennis Arnold from the Gridley-Allen-Pucket neighborhood, both in Bloomington , discussed how their neighborhoods, near downtown Bloomington, worked. These neighborhoods have mixed older and newer, owner- and renter-occupied, and large and small housing; they deal with traffic and parking problems, vacant lots, and some crime. They have tried to improve their public visibility by being mentioned on the Pantagraph’s map of subdivisions, by newsletters, and by signs. One neighborhood has developed a small, local playground. They reach out to newcomers and have special fund-raising, garage sales, and family game nights. Because of the ward system in Bloomington, they are able to affect City policies because of one or two local representatives. Like the neighborhoods in Normal, they have continual challenges. They would be glad to work with NAN on common projects of interest to the neighborhoods of the two cities.
By the end of February, NAN will send out a survey to persons attending NAN meetings in the past three years about its activities and communication.
Geoff Fruin, Normal’s Administrative Analyst, announced that the Town would be unveiling a new website, which will contain more features and be easier to use.
Dues were collected from Beland, School St., Ironwood, and Warmmm neighborhoods.
We adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Respectively submitted, Roy C. Treadway, Secretary-Treasurer
MINUTES: November 5, 2005
President Jim Sedgwick called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Twenty-three persons were present.
Ed Jelks acted as the Secretary in Roy Treadway’s absence. The minutes of the 2005 August 6 meeting were approved by voice vote, as was the Treasurer’s report, which showed a balance of $341.20 as of November 5.
President Sedgwick called for nominations to fill the position of Vice President for the period 2005 November 5 to 2006 December 31, which had become vacant upon the resignation of Dottie Bushnell. After a few minutes during which no viable nominations were forthcoming, it was decided to delay the election until after the program.
President Sedgwick enumerated the recognized neighborhoods in Normal with the help of a map of the town that had been prepared by Geoff Fruin, Administrative Analyst, Town of Normal, showing where the neighborhoods were located.
Acting Vice President Judy Scott announced that the program for the 2006 February 11 meeting would be presented by representatives from neighborhood associations in Bloomington, who would describe how the Bloomington associations worked with City officials.
Rick Olshak, Associate Dean of Students at Illinois State University, reviewed the policies and practices of the Dean of Students office, which are undergoing some important changes. One area of reorientation is the role of the university in dealing with off-campus student behavior. The university’s former hands-off policy is being replaced by a policy of acting as a facilitator in addressing problems between students and landlords, and between students living off-campus and their neighbors.
Following Mr. Olshak’s presentation there was a lively discussion about revising restrictive leases between students and landlords; about reducing noise levels emanating from student parties (and from firing a cannon at Hancock Stadium when ISU makes a score during ball games); and about punitive actions taken by ISU against students who violate Town ordinances. Mr. Olshak reported that ISU and Town officials are currently reviewing existing ordinances with the expectation of updating some of them.
Judy Scott made comments about how the history of the Fell Park neighborhood area had served as a unifying factor for their association.
Ed Jelks reported that at the School Street Association, at its meeting on October 30, Geoff Fruin described a planned commercial development at Main Ave. and Raab Road, after which there had been spirited discussion about increased traffic flow and other concerns expected when the development is completed.
Ed also read the preamble to a petition drafted by Lee and Lucinda Beier requesting the Town to prepare a plan for dealing with those concerns, and invited anyone present who lived in north Normal to sign the petition.
John Poole, President of the Old North Normal Historic District Association, reported that at their meeting the previous Saturday it was proposed that their association consolidate in some appropriate way with the School Street Association because they shared the same concerns.
Warren Craig described the Consolidated Neighborhoods Association of Normal, a precursor of NAN, which was organized to address certain issues, but then died away after the issues had been resolved. Warren urged neighborhood groups to work closely with NAN as a way to help keep NAN viable and less likely to die away through lack of citizen interest. There was general discussion about the role neighborhood associations can play in improving the community.
Jim Armstrong nominated Dave Wiant for the Vice President vacancy; Dave was elected by voice vote.
Pres. Sedgwick urged citizens to be more proactive in dealing with community problems.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Ed Jelks, Acting Secretary (November, 2005)
Neighbors Association of Normal - 2005 August 6., 10:00 a.m. -Normal Library - Minutes
Roy Treadway, Secretary-Treasurer, called the meeting to order. Twenty-four persons were present. Jim Sedgwick, President, was celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary today.
We thanked Lyle and Maxene Raper for providing the refreshments for today’s meeting.
Roy announced that Dotti Bushnell resigned as Vice President because of other activities. Jim Sedgwick appointed Judy Scott as Vice President. She will serve until the November NAN meeting, at which time NAN will need to replace her as Vice-President. Interested persons for Vice President should contact Jim Sedgwick.
The Minutes of the 2005 May 7 were approved unanimously.
The Treasurer’s report from 2005 May 7 to August 6 was approved unanimously.
Geoff Fruin, Administrative Analyst, Town of Normal, provided a map of Normal. Representatives from each neighborhood were encouraged to draw the boundaries of their neighborhoods on the map.
Payment of neighborhood and individual dues was encouraged. Most active neighborhoods have paid their 2005 dues, but not all.
The next meeting will be on 2005 November 5, but a topic has not been announced.
Representatives of several neighborhoods reported on the activities in their neighborhoods.
Fell Park had a night out celebration on August 2 and has been discussing historic preservation plans; on September 17, they will welcome new residents.
Ironwood has a new website.
The WARMMM neighborhood will have a backyard potluck on Sunday, August 7.
The Old North Normal Historical District Association had a picnic on July 4, with a block of Normal Avenue closed.
North School St. had a yard sale in June and will have a picnic in September; they are concerned about increased and faster traffic on School St. from the new commercial development on Rabb Rd. between Main Ave. and School St. Maplewood reports that the neighborhood is quiet with improved water.
Mark Peterson, Town Manager of Normal, discussed the concept of a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) district and its implementation in downtown Normal. In TIF districts, enabled by Illinois state law, the taxes paid by properties to taxing districts are kept constant for up to 23 years, with increased taxes from increased value of the property going into a fund to pay for infrastructure and other public and private improvements in the district. The purpose of a TIF is to encourage improvements in a deteriorating area, with public assistance. Downtown Normal has experienced several upgrades in commercial properties, and others are expected.
Mark also discussed new apartments being built in the areas south of downtown in Normal. In Normal’s buyback program of properties which have apartments from previous zoning but are now zoned single family homes, there have been discussions with several owners, and the house at 606 N. Linden Ave. has been bought back. Several non-conforming properties with roomers in single-family areas may have converted to single family use without intervention by the Town. Lively discussion followed, particularly about areas with increasing rental housing.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Roy C. Treadway - Secretary-Treasurer (August, 2005)
MINUTES - May 7, 2005
Neighbors Association of Normal - 2005 May 7 - Children’s Discovery Museum, Normal, Illinois
Sedgwick, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Nineteen people
were present.
We were guests of the Normal Parks and Recreation Department.
O’Donnell discussed the updated NAN website http://nan238.tripod.com
and recent changes he has made.
Jim Sedgwick reported that with the aid of his daughter, Amy , the NAN brochure
has been revised, and he has copies available for distribution. Geoff Fruin,
Normal’s Administrative Analyst, assisted in having the brochure duplicated.
Fruin also updated the Neighborhood map and will have it available for each
representative to identify his or her neighborhood by outlining its boundaries
on the map. Some additional announcements were made.
Because of his health, Ed Jelks resigned as Secretary-Treasurer. Jim Sedgwick appointed Roy Treadway as the new Secretary-Treasurer of NAN.
Roy read the minutes of the February 5, 2005, meeting, written by Flora M. Poling. They were approved as read. The treasurer’s report, prepared by Roy Treadway, was also approved.
Margaret Esposito, NAN’s program chair, whose committee arranged the next meeting, reported that our next meeting is scheduled for August 6 at the Normal Library. Mark Peterson will talk about options and opportunities of the tax increment financing and buyback programs.
Fell Park, School St., and Old North Normal Historic District Associations reported on their activities.
We adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
After the business meeting, Sheri Buckelew introduced the concept of the Children’s Discovery Museum. It encourages children’s exploration and creativity with scientific and math content. Sheri then took us all on a tour of the museum, introducing us all to its activities for children. Following this, attendees, were invited to explore the museum on their own.
Roy C. Treadway, Secretary-Treasurer (May, 2005)
Neighborhood Association of Normal meeting was called to order on February 5,
2005 at 10 a.m by President Jim Sedgwick. Mr.
Sedgwick thanked the Rapers for providing refreshments.
following special guests were introduced:
Mark Peterson and Geoff Fruin, Town of Normal
Sonja Reece, Council Member/Nan member
Ken Koehn, Ironwood, first time NAN member
A sign-up sheet was distributed for attendance along with a get well card for Ed Jelks. Jim reported that Ed was in the hospital having tests and asked everyone to sign the get well card which will be mailed to Ed's home. Jim also asked that Ed be remembered in our prayers.
The minutes and treasurer's report from the last meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Sedgwick introduced Jill Hutchison, who presented a very interesting power point on ISU sports which was entitled "From Cook Hall to Redbird Arena in Pigtails" - focusing mainly on women's sports. Everyone enjoyed the presentation. It covered the years 1860s to present time.
Mark Peterson commented on his involvement with Town & Gown program last year. He said he has caught the Redbird fever, has purchased season tickets, and he and his family attend many of the women's games and really enjoy them.
Mark also offered the services of the Town of Normal to give presentations if any Neighborhood Association group is interested.
A roll call of Neighborhood Association Representatives was made. Jim requested they meet the rest of Executive Committee immediately following close of our regular business meeting today. Following associations were represented:
North School Street -- Roy Treadway reported their group has set up meetings with Red Cross Safe Neighbors/First Aid Program; non conforming buy-back program. He also thanked the Town of Normal for planting trees.
Fell Park Blair Maplewood Neighbors -- Sonja Reece reported a nice light has been added to their neighborhood.
Ironwood -- Melba Jean Frick, formerly Sunshine -- no longer exists - she wants to attend meetings - paid individual dues.
NAN needs new Secretary-Treasurer due to illness of Ed Jelks
-- Needs Program Chairman
-- Needs Planning Chairman
-- Announced plans to sponsor candidates night. Mayoral Candidates Chris Koos and Jeff Fritzen have agreed to participate. -- May also include Unit 5 Board Candidates - 3 to be elected from 6 candidates. -- Normal Town Council members running unopposed.
Date of Meeting: March 1, 2005
-- Meeting Place: Library Community Room
-- Time: Doors open at 6:30p.m.; meeting 7 to 8:30 p.m.
The next NAN meeting scheduled for Saturday May 7, 2005 at 10 a.m. at the Children's Discovery Museum, 3rd floor meeting room. We will tour the facility and hear about its successful run since November opening.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Flora M. Poling, Acting Secretary-Treasurer (February, 2005)